
Control box

Check box with "If Statement" Checked = 1 Unchecked = xlOff

    Sub ticlow()

    If ActiveSheet.Shapes("Check Box 1").ControlFormat.Value = 1 Then
    Range("J1") = "Tic Low"
    End If

    If ActiveSheet.Shapes("Check Box 1").ControlFormat.Value = xlOff Then
    End If
    End Sub

Combo Box calls multiple List Boxes

Checkboxes, Check and unCheck 1 or all checkboxes

    ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Value = False ' This will clear all checkboxes ("True" would check all boxes)

    ActiveSheet.Checkboxes("Check Box 1").Value = True ' This will Check a particular checkbox

    ActiveSheet.Checkboxes("Check Box 1").Value = False ' This will Clear a particular checkbox

Reset a ListBox using a macro.

    Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Drop Down 1").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1

Searchable Dropdown ListBox using ActiveX combobox

    See example file: "ActiveSearchDropdownList.xlsm
    Instruction on the web at: Click Here. What the video.

Msgbox - - - - MsgBox(prompt[,buttons][,title][,helpfile,context])

    MsgBox "Any messsage you want to display here"   ' this will have the standard Microsoft title

    MsgBox "Welcome " & Application.UserName & "!", 1, "Title"

    MsgBox "Sorry no room in play list!", , "Play Limit Reached"
    GoTo Line1

    MsgBox Link to tutorpoint

    Msgbox with Yes NO

    Sub msg()
    Dim answer As Integer
    answer = MsgBox("Would you like to place a one in H1", vbYesNo)

    If answer = vbYes Then
    [H1] = 1
    [H1] = 2
    End If
    End Sub

    Msgbox with Yes NO

    Msgbox("Prompt",Button style,"Title") ... This is the basic format. Above and Below are examples.

    Sub Macro name()
    Dim answer As Integer
    answer = MsgBox("Part is Coded as Juniper?",4, "Coded as Juniper or Non juniper")
    If answer = vbYes Then
    Call Juniper_All
    End If
    If answer = vbNo Then
    Call chooznonjuniper
    End If

    End Sub

    Here are the button styles
    0 vbOKOnly - Displays OK button only.

    1 vbOKCancel - Displays OK and Cancel buttons.

    2 vbAbortRetryIgnore - Displays Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.

    3 vbYesNoCancel - Displays Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.

    4 vbYesNo - Displays Yes and No buttons.

    5 vbRetryCancel - Displays Retry and Cancel buttons.

    16 vbCritical - Displays Critical Message icon.

    32 vbQuestion - Displays Warning Query icon.

    48 vbExclamation - Displays Warning Message icon.

    64 vbInformation - Displays Information Message icon.

    0 vbDefaultButton1 - First button is default.

    256 vbDefaultButton2 - Second button is default.

    512 vbDefaultButton3 - Third button is default.

    768 vbDefaultButton4 - Fourth button is default.

    0 vbApplicationModal Application modal - The current application will not work until the user responds to the message box.

    4096 vbSystemModal System modal - All applications will not work until the user responds to the message box.